Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oh, my!

Bacteria around us. Given good conditions for growth, >> << bacterium grows slightly in size or length, the new cell wall grows through the center >> << forming two daughter cells, each with the same genetic material as and parental >>. << If Wednesday is the best, the two daughter cells can

divided into four in 20 minutes. Oh, my! 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ... Then why not

earth is covered with bacteria? The main reason may be that conditions are rarely optimal. Scientists

, studying bacteria try to create optimal conditions in the laboratory:

nutrient medium with the necessary source of energy, nutrients, pH and temperature,

, in which bacteria grow predictably. Increase slowly at first, while

errors acclimatize to the food and nutrients in their new habitat. After metabolic mechanism works, they begin to multiply

exponentially, doubling the number every few minutes. As more and more errors, fighting for the reduction

foods and nutrients rapidly stops growth of bacteria and stabilized. Toxic waste grow food depleted and error

dichotomous key bacteria

begin to die. View strattera 40mg to see how the two E. coli, given favorable conditions >> << to grow, divide and form colonies of hundreds >> << bacteria for several hours. Or visit CELLS

alive! to

see colonies of microorganisms in real time. More, more quiet >>

<< version growing E. coli

can be used in class. Some keywords exponential growth, division, asexual reproduction, population dynamics

, lag-phase, phase of the journal, stationary phase, death


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